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Friday, September 4, 2009

Ladies Golf Bags

Overview of Ladies Golf Bags
Executive Summary about Ladies Golf Bags by Brian Garvin

With an increasing number of women finding the pleasure of the golf course an attraction for them, it is no wonder many companies have started targeting the female market with their product, and Ladies Golf Bags are no exception. Ladies golf bags tend to be lighter in weight than some of the male versions, and they are available both as cart bags and stand bags, leaving you free to choose what style you would prefer.

Although some brands have gone down the stereotypical women like pink route, thankfully others have just gone for bright colors that just work together to offer a feminine look without resorting to pink, pink and more pink! We have to say that we particularly like the Precept Golf Ladies Performance cart bag. This is available in orange and white, lime green and white, or a pale purple and white, which is the true girly choice if you do like to look ultra feminine on the course. The bag itself has all the features we would expect to find.

For those of you who just can't let go of the whole pink style then Precept offers a seriously girly bag, mainly pink with pretty candy stripes in a rainbow of colors, and they have thoughtfully added a small handbag that matches perfectly and allows you one seamless look. If you are looking for a stand bag, fear not!

Datrek Ladies Storm bag is nicely styled in pink and black and stands well on the course, the color matched legs coping well with any terrain. Nike offers an excellent ladies stand bag that is gray and black, which looks smart without being flowery and is an excellent light weight bag for a woman who doesn't need the girly colors as part of her kit.

1 comment:

  1. Team golf bags, shopping bags with the NFL to sell around $ 200 to 230 and the NFL stand bags retail for around $ 160-180. Now, golf bags shopping NFL team for sale for $ 250 + Golf Team and stand bags retail for around $ 200-230.
