Book Bags. Book bags are becoming more common among preschoolers and elementary school aged children, all the way to the college crowd, as well as business and computer cases, messenger bags, hydration packs, lumbar packs, and ski and snowboard packs, all made with light and durable fabric. Book bags are both functional and attractive. These bags are primarily designed for use where heavy book loads make a traditional backpack uncomfortable or stressful on the back.
Book bags are designed to carry traditional books and supplies. Often these bags are designed to be carried on one's back as a backpack making easy access to contents difficult. These conventional book bags once filled typically exceed manageable size and often cannot fit into storage locations such as school lockers. These book bags typically provide no particular consideration for the presentation of material contained in the bag itself.
Furthermore, conventional book bags are not oriented to providing quick and convenient access to the actual subject material contained in the book bag. Learning materials such as books are not given consideration for easy access and direct referencing. Accessing a book held in a book bag requires that the book be removed from the book bag in order to read or use the book. Therefore, a book bag with consideration to the material contained within it and a convenient way of accessing and reading the material within the book bag is needed.
The book bag should also be conducive to educational learning practices and enhance the choices by which instruction to students is achieved. It is another object of the invention to provide a wallet inside the book bag wherein the wallet is capable of storing separate pages of a book.
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