Radley Bags and Handbags - How to Spot a Fake Radley Bag Executive Summary about Radley Bags By Adva Jones
Radley bags may not be as well known as other designer handbag manufacturers such as Gucci, Fendi, Coach, Louis Vuitton etc... but their popularity has grown regularly every year since the company was created in 1998. They are also famous for their Scottie dog logo.
Radley bags are also well-known for being colorful. Their bags are always designed to stress originality and surprise as they prefer "to fail in originality rather than succeed in imitation". This year their spring collection is a choice of soft leather bags with creative hand-crafted detail that emphasize light Summer shades of yellow, pale pink and ivory, with "vibrant apple green highlights". How to Spot a Fake Radley Bag The growing popularity of Radley bags has unfortunately led to the creation of fakes and replicas. Radley take the problem of fake bags very seriously and have taken steps to combat the forges. The Radley dog logo changes color from light to dark when you lift it up to the light. Radley bags are the manufacturers of designer handbags to introduce this form of advanced security.
All Radley bags have an aluminum dog logo inside, on which is embossed the RADLEY name. Radley is also embossed on the leather square beneath. The Scottie dog tag on a Radley bags is attached to the bag in such a way that you can remove it easily. With fake Radley bags it is often difficult or impossible to remove this tag. Radley bags have a glossy, cardboard label on the outside, there is no dog on this label. Radley bags are sold with a set of leather care products. Prices for Radley bags in the USA range from $150 up to $400.
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